Touch: The Journal of Healing



The Peaceful Warrior

    by Kaveri Patel

She walks into the exam room

covered in bruises, cuts,

and abrasions. Her eyes are

still kind, fully absorbing

her attacker’s aggression,

her scars potential compost

for growing peace.

And I wonder what merit

I’ve accumulated from past

lives to witness such courage

and equanimity, reflecting

the beauty in her suffering —

dressing her wounds

with these words.

© 2012  Kaveri Patel

Kaveri Patel is a poet, mother, and healer.  She lives and works in northern California, and is currently exploring the phrase, fear is just compost for courage.  Her first book of poetry, An Invitation, was published in 2011.  She can be contacted at

Copyright © 2012

Touch: The Journal of Healing

All rights reserved.